School Mission

Our Mission

SHIPS envisages to empower and strengthen students by incorporating core values such as respect, obedience and inclusion in them. We strive to make students try new and exciting things and provide them with a strong basis on which to develop. Our vision is to create a world in which all children are cherished, valued, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Our Vision

Our dedication is to provide the highest education and childcare in a healthy, respectful, and welcoming atmosphere that promotes lifelong learning. As a school, our mission is to provide our students with the skills and mentality they need to succeed and then take on the world.

Our Focus

We aim for ‘CARE’ C – Co-operation and co-ordination – sharing and learning together A – Achievement – Believe, Do and Achieve R – Respect E – Empathy

Our learning approach

SHIPS aims to cater student-centered learning. We identify the learning ability of every student and tend to teach in a method that makes the concept easily understandable.
S – Self efficacy is the belief that one has power to bring wonders.
H – Holistic development is a practical approach to a comprehensions learning system where physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth of a child is taken care of.
I – Independent thinkers (SHIPSIANS)
P – Peace Education that teaches love, trust, co-operation and non-violence.
S – Specified Instructions and Specialization